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Ashley 艾緒吃什麼
LV 9|Fooday Intern

Basement cafe

新竹市Coffee shop
about 11 hours ago
Lunch2 ppl$530

I've always wanted to try the brunch at this place, and I finally visited! The croissant was delicious and very crispy after being baked! It also came with a salad. The soup was quite filling. We happened to encounter a Christmas limited menu, and the snowman was made of mashed potatoes, cute and tastyʕ •ᴥ•ʔ. The pumpkin soup kept the ingredients intact, and you could eat the whole pumpkin! It also came with a basket of bread.

We decided to go on a whim and waited half an hour for a table. We waited another hour for our meal; the holiday rush was quite overwhelming. The table we were assigned was super uncomfortable (completely not ergonomic), so both our waiting time and dining experience weren't very pleasant...

The restaurant also has a retail section. The first floor has cute items, and the second floor has many unique little things. There’s plenty of parking for cars and scooters nearby.

♡ Snowman Soup 290
♡ Chestnut Pumpkin Soup 290
♡ Octopus Sausage Croissant Boat 240
♡ Bacon Baked Half-Boiled Egg Croissant 240

📝 Reservations can be made in advance (strongly recommended).

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Spot Info

Basement cafe 300新竹市北區公道五路四段513號
Coffee shopNT$530~NT$790
2 reviews
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Brunch1 ppl$790
7 months ago
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