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CAFE!N 硬咖啡 中和景安店

about 1 month ago
Afternoon Tea2 ppl$150

I came specially to share the LINE gift package I received for my birthday!!
It's so convenient to send a thoughtful gift to friends and family.
It also gives me a chance to browse at the store👀
It's really a clever idea😆

LINE Gift Duo Package NT$350
Champion Black Coffee (L) 1 cup
Champion Latte (L) 1 cup
Rich Chocolate Scone 1 piece
French Vanilla Lemon Tart 1 piece

I'm usually not a big black coffee drinker, but I was truly impressed.
The Champion Black Coffee is a medium-dark roast washed bean.
The overall aroma and fruity acidity are very balanced, and I love it💕
Although the milk pairing in the latte adds a lot to it,
I would recommend you try the black coffee – it's delicious!
As for the light snacks,
I personally think the chocolate scone is the dark horse😍
While it may not look as pretty as the lemon tart,
the non-sweet and non-greasy texture is definitely worth trying!
Plus, it’s served warm, making it even tastier~
Both desserts pair wonderfully with coffee✨
It’s rare to capture my happy afternoon tea time🩵

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Spot Info

CAFE!N 硬咖啡 中和景安店
3 reviews
Coffee shopNT$150~NT$180
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2 ppl$150
3 months ago
身為一個喜歡遠端辦公的人,特別喜歡找無限時有插座的咖啡廳,這間是我第二次消費,印象上一次是去年的事,這一次來比較不一樣的,主要是視覺上多了「風調雨順」的設計,蠻妙的! 環境 ☆ ★★ ★★ 環境明亮舒服,幾乎每個位子都有插座,而且店內也有提供Wi-Fi,在這裡很適合辦公洽談生意,比較可惜的是,冷氣偏冷,滿多地方都會被風吹到頭,加上沒有提供水讓人裝,有點小扣分 服務 ★ ★ ★ ★★ 服務人員整體服務不錯,親切~ 因為店內沒有公用區擺放水,所以我會下樓請店員幫我裝水,服務人員很幫忙倒水。 餐點 🥢冠軍拿鐵 ☆ ★ ★ ★ ★ 咖啡蠻濃郁的,香氣十足,但喝起來咖啡因蠻重的,友人喝不習慣! 🥢抹茶拿鐵 ☆ ★ ★ ★ ★ 抹茶也很濃郁,菜單上也有特別說明,抹茶粉本身含有微甜,所以點餐的時候我就不加糖,個人覺得味道挺剛好的! 🥢古巴三明治 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 第一次點古巴三明治,麵包本身烤的酥酥脆脆,搭配裡面的起司味道,意外讓我喜歡! 🔎用餐攻略 可以下載App加入咖啡硬的會員,可以享有折扣,並且累積點數~
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Afternoon Tea1 ppl$200
3 months ago
位於捷運景安站附近的連鎖咖啡廳,環境明亮乾淨,整體採白色配色,2樓有提供大約20多個內用座位。 這次點的是冰的莊園黑咖啡,以及巴斯克乳酪蛋糕。咖啡萃取的風味極好,不會太酸而且香氣十足。乳酪蛋糕的部分風味濃厚也不會過甜,可以吃到很紮實的口感,搭配黑咖啡兩者相得益彰。 雖然價格方面不算特別便宜,但是確實對得起他的品質,如果偶爾想要享受這樣的組合,是值得再訪的店家。
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