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5 months ago
Afternoon Tea1 ppl$200

☕️A coffee shop for everyone - simple and pure.

    Our store is located near Exit 3 of the Bandung MRT Station. In addition to convenient transportation, the appearance is also very warm and cute. The large window countertop can also be used as a table. Order a drink and pastries and watch the bustling urban pace outside the window. It is so relaxing Even if you lean against the window, you can relax and feel the pleasant pace. That day, there were many office workers sitting in the store with computers to work. There were sockets next to each seat, which was very convenient and considerate!

Black tea milk $130 🧡🧡🧡🤍🤍
The tea is rich in aroma and the milk is smooth, making you feel warm and comfortable. However, Jerry likes milk tea with a stronger tea flavor, and this one tastes relatively refreshing. Drink cups should also be used with better ice retention effect. In addition, if the drink is paired with dessert, you will get a 30 yuan discount~!

Basque cake $130 🧡🧡🧡🤍🤍
($30 off with drinks)
Basque cake has become popular in recent years. It is not only easy to make, but also very delicious. The dark roasted outer layer is a highlight of the Basque cake. It tastes soft and delicate inside, with a rich milky aroma and a dense texture. It is served with Black Tea Milk is such a relaxing and wonderful time!

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3 reviews
Coffee shopNT$200~NT$330
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Brunch3 ppl$400
3 months ago
突然想吃點清爽的三明治套餐來到這家注意很久 萬隆站出口步行1分鐘內可到的John Doe Cafe ⌂ 肉桂奶酥蛋沙拉三明治套餐 ⌂ 豬肉蛋沙拉三明治套餐 套餐的內容有一整份吐司、德式香腸、水煮溫蔬菜與一小碗的香蕉燕麥牛奶,非常豐富。 整體吃起來調味十分清爽,不覺負擔,蛋沙拉裡有拌馬鈴薯,飽足感十足。豬肉套餐裡頭是醃製過的里肌肉片,而肉桂奶酥口味是在三明治上撒了肉桂糖粉增加香氣。香蕉燕麥牛奶上頭也放了幾顆爆米花,吃起來更覺得有趣 ⌂ 黑糖奶油美式 ⌂ 熱卡布 套餐的飲料是紅茶,加價換別的飲品可折40元,咖啡的口味都在水準之上,不雷 ⌂ 彩虹優格重乳酪蛋糕 店員在我們點餐完後,說點蛋糕可以折抵30元,並介紹說這款彩虹優格乳酪是小朋友能吃的蛋糕(我們帶了一位兩歲的幼兒),我們就腦波弱點了一份。 可能是有加優格的關係,口味沒有這麼膩,但對幼兒來說還是稍嫌偏甜,最後只讓孩子吃了一小塊。 整體環境舒適,也配有插座並不限時,非常適合辦公,店內雖然沒有兒童座椅,但餐點清淡可以跟孩子共食、店員也十分友善,是間會想再帶孩子回訪的咖啡店
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Afternoon Tea2 ppl$200
5 months ago
今天又來咖啡廳度過午後時光啦~這家無名氏咖啡座落在萬隆捷運站2號和3號出口旁,單從店面外觀看起來,走一個很有個性的酒吧風?但其實裡面也有賣酒沒錯啦,空間都挺舒適,不過座位不多,想要悠閒的喝杯咖啡可能要早一點喔! 店內可以訂位,每一個位置都有插座喔! 今天的餐點是~ 拿鐵咖啡 $150 原味巴斯克乳酪 $130 (下午茶時段 飲品➕甜點 有折扣喔!) 拿鐵的部分蠻好喝的,香醇濃郁帶點咖啡的苦,比例相同好,不會過於偏向咖啡,還蠻合我的胃口,是很不錯的拿鐵喔! 巴斯克乳酪蛋糕,第一口簡直是幸福的不得了,綿密的口感以及香濃的乳酪味,讓人欲罷不能,隨著一口一口吃到最後,在最後一口的時候難免會覺得稍微有點膩了,這時候再配一口拿鐵咖啡~嗯!我還可以再吃一塊!
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