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一百種味道 三民店

Afternoon Tea1 ppl$200
5 months ago

100% delicious
One star is missing because it is really difficult to book a table

Difficult to book online
I thought there might be a spot if I came on weekday afternoons.
The results are still full. All seats are full, and they are full at all times.

So we can only take out
But it’s hard to enjoy takeout
Because the fillings in the middle will melt🫠
Unless you take it home and chill it before eating it
Otherwise, you will eat it in the car like me after leaving🫣🫣

But I have tried several flavors
Signature green grape, cherry, lemon tart, mango
Each one is delicious and not too sweet. I think it’s great.
And since it’s naturally fruity, you don’t need to add a lot of sugar!

Oh yes! I love pie crust so much
It's the kind that's crispy and won't bite, but it's a bit thicker than a biscuit. I really like this kind.
I don’t like things that fall apart easily and he won’t ❤️❤️

I hope I can book a table when I have the opportunity to enjoy it inside.
(I don’t live in Hsinchu, so I usually don’t go there specifically, so my visits are more temporary)

The deliciousness of grapes 😋 is indeed the signature
There are so many to choose from on site
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Comments (3)

Food Scouter
LV 27Fooday Chief
LV 8Fooday Intern
Max Shihw
LV 1Fooday Newbie

Spot Info

一百種味道 三民店300新竹市東區三民路35號
Coffee shopNT$200~NT$280
2 reviews
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Afternoon Tea2 ppl$275
5 months ago
[五星:必吃 一定會再特別造訪]如果說到新竹必吃的店,我的名單裡一定有這間 一百種味道只有兩間分店 都位在新竹 雖然兩間店大概是騎車5-8分鐘的距離 但一個有提供內用 另一間是外帶專門店(總店) - 這次來到的是三民店 整個氛圍很有鄉村感🍁 溫馨、大器的空間,就算是外帶,也可以感受到它的美好🫧 一樓除了販售塔類,還有一些質感選務和常溫點心 二樓則是有內用的位置 不過因為這裡的人氣太高了,基本上下午來會聽到店員說位子已滿,如果要來的話一定要提前線上預約(但是有聽到其他人分享這裡內用有限制低消一杯飲料,價格中高但份量小,這點還是要看個人自行評估) - 平常沒有特別迷塔類的東西,但這裡的每樣都很吸引人,我都好想吃⋯ 尤其他們的玻璃冷藏櫥窗內擺滿了各式各樣的水果、堅果塔類,看了很過癮! 讓人很難抉擇要帶走哪一個✨ 最後選擇了水果類型的,怕下次來就沒有供應,一定要趁當季吃到新鮮的水果~ 𓌉𓇋 粉紅水蜜桃塔 $230 ·粉粉嫩嫩的色澤讓人很難拒絕 兩層新鮮水蜜桃堆疊 多汁香甜 清爽的香緹吃起來柔柔的 一點都不膩口 和帶有一點脆度的塔皮搭配 perfect! 𓌉𓇋 綠葡萄蜂蜜優格塔 $180 ·帶有酸感的優格風味和當季綠葡萄的搭配 葡萄本身吃起來很飽滿 店家有使用紅柴蜂蜜 甜度拿捏的很剛好(甜度較水蜜桃塔低) - 下次來會想要點紅櫻桃口味和堅果口味 感覺不同季節來都會遇到不同的驚喜 總之這家店真的很值得你們一訪🚪 (希望其他縣市也可以開一家 拜託了嗚嗚嗚嗚嗚嗚嗚嗚)
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